Obtain a Tourist Visa to France 2020

The documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France are the same as the documents required for any short-term Schengen visa, except for some minor differences that relate to some supporting documents.
As we always refer to our subjects, the short-term Schengen visa is that granted to people who want a short visit of no more than 90 days to one of the Schengen countries, whether France, Spain, Italy, Greece …
The Schengen visa takes its name from the purpose that the individual intends to do while traveling, for tourism is called a tourist visa, and if it is to visit family or friends it is called a visitor visa, and if the treatment is called a medical visa …

Since France is a member of the European Union and the Schengen area, its short-term visa applies to it, as does the rest of the Schengen visas.

Accordingly, it grants this visa to every person who proves that his residence in France will not exceed 90 days, in order to carry out one of the following activities:

  • Tourism in France;
  • Visiting family and friends in France;
  • Attending an art or sporting event in France;
  • Attending short-term vocational training or training in France;
  • Giving a lecture regarding professors and academics or participating in a cultural demonstration;
  • Traveling to France for treatment or medical care
  • As for people who want to immigrate to France and stay there for more than 90 days, they will have to apply for a long-term visa, or as it is also known as the national visa

In order to obtain this visa, the person will have to provide evidence and documents that we have previously talked about, a previous article, which can be returned from here

France visa .. What are the documents required for those who wish to reside in France for a period exceeding 90 days?

In general, we will talk today about France, and we will talk about the papers and documents required to obtain a tourist visa in France.

The documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France 2020

The evidence and documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France consist of 4 types, which are:

  • Evidence provided as evidence of the availability of means of transportation for travel to France:
  • Evidence that a place to live and live in France is available
  • Proof of means of subsistence while residing in France
  • Evidence provided as evidence of social and economic stability
  • Each of the aforementioned evidence consists of one or several documents that differ from one person to another according to the case of each individual applicant.

So we will try to explain this evidence in detail so that the picture becomes clearer.

1_ Evidence of availability of means of transport to travel to France:
The applicant must provide evidence that indicates that he wants to travel to France during a specific date, and he will also have to prove that he intends to leave from it at a specific time.

The first document that the applicant can use to prove this is to provide return and return tickets booked via a specific means of transportation.

This means of transportation may be:

Plane; therefore, a round-trip flight ticket reservation must be presented. or
Bus; therefore bus ticket reservations must be submitted. or
Steamship or ferry, so a ticket for a steamship ticket must be submitted
European embassies and consulates are advised not to purchase the ticket before obtaining the visa in order to avoid losing money, and in exchange, it is only possible to reserve a refundable fee for a small commission.

2_ Evidence of a place to live and live in France
One of the evidences that a person must provide in the tourism visa file in France is that related to the existence of a place to live and reside in France.

Therefore, this evidence should be as follows:

Confirm hotel reservation; or
Evidence of an organized tour by a tourism organization …; or
Title deed (real estate, apartment, house) located in the country in which you want tourism.

3_ Evidence of availability of means of subsistence while residing in France:
One of the most important documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France are those documents related to proving the availability of adequate means of subsistence while in France.

To prove this, some of the following documents must be provided:

A bank statement of the last 3 months; or
Provide evidence of the availability of financial resources available during the stay, such as (a credit card, an account statement from an international bank, or a foreign exchange receipt); or
Submission of a letter of guarantee by a person who is able to pay all the costs that the traveler will need during his travel and during his stay with proof of financial resources for this sponsor, host or guarantor (some Schengen member states impose the use of a national form specified in the letter of guarantee)
4_ Evidence of the applicant’s current economic and social situation:
The purpose of presenting this guide is for the French embassy to evaluate the applicant (is he a potential migrant or not).

The socio-economic situation (socio-economic) of the applicant greatly affects the file of his request, because in the end it is clear that this person has things for which he returns to his homeland, or that he will work with the Qur’anic verse “Our Lord, get us out of it, then we are wronged”

Therefore, the applicant must prove to the French embassy that he has things for which he will return to his country and that his economic situation prevents him from thinking about illegal immigration.

This evidence varies from person to person according to his professional status as explained below:

For the employee, employee / employee, or worker:
If the applicant is an employee or worker, he will have to provide the following documents

The work certificate delivered by the employer;
Salary certificate;
Submit original documents for the last 3 salary statements;
Bank statement for the last 3 months; or
Provide evidence that the applicant has sufficient means of livelihood, such as ownership of a company, real estate, or agricultural land …
For foreign employees residing in a country other than their country of origin, a stamped labor contract must be submitted by the Ministry of Labor.
For a government employee / government employee
Similar to employees and workers, the government employee must also provide some documents in his visa file, as follows:

Job certificate delivered from

EE work;
Copy of the enrollment card in an insurance or social solidarity fund;
Original documents for the last 3 bank statements for the past three months; or
Provide evidence showing the employee’s ability to bear the cost of living and travel or what indicates his ownership of real estate or agricultural land …
For retired / retired women:
If the applicant is retired and wants to travel to France for tourism, he will have to provide the following documents

Proof of availability for pension benefit (retirement pension);
Bank statement for the last 3 months; or
Proof of possession of property or means of subsistence, each according to his condition.
For a merchant / trader or businessman / businesswoman
The commercial register (provided that the record has exceeded 12 months of obtaining it).
Proof of the legal status of the company (original document).
Submit the original document of the tax declaration for the current year.
Submit the original copy of the permit for the last payment of other taxes paid by the company.
The bank statement of the company or contractor for the last 3 months.
The applicant’s bank statement for the past three months.
Provide other evidence showing the applicant’s ability to travel and residency costs or provide evidence of his availability on property or means of subsistence, according to each person’s case (for example: company ownership, property ownership, agricultural land ownership …).
For the farmer / farmer / farmer and the farmer
People who work in agriculture or agriculture can also apply for a France Tourist Visa, but will have to provide some documents along the lines of previous professional positions.

Evidence that a person is engaged in farming or farming (for example, a certificate issued by the farm room); or
A certificate of ownership of agricultural or agricultural land or
Bank statement for the last 3 months;
Any other evidence that the farmer owns the means of livelihood, such as ownership of a company, real estate, or land …
For those who work / work in a structured free professional:
Self-employed means those people who work in a free and organized and destructive profession such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, or architecture …

These people will have to provide the following documents:

Professional card;
Proof of registration in the business tax;
Bank statement of the last 3 months (original documents);
Any other evidence that the applicant owns the means of subsistence, such as ownership of a company, real estate, or agricultural land …
For the unemployed / unemployed:
The person who is unemployed is frankly his chances are very low. Oh God, if he can provide this documents that support his request, they are:

An obligation of a sponsor to cover all signed costs, and this commitment must be accompanied by proof of the social and economic condition of the sponsor as described previously
Bank statements for the last 3 months, if any; or
Evidence that the applicant owns the means of subsistence, such as ownership of a company, real estate, or agricultural land …
Asylum in France 2019 according to the new law .. everything you want to know about this subject in the smallest detail

In addition to all the aforementioned documents, the applicant will have to be available at:

A passport that is valid for a period of no less than 3 months after returning from travel;
Medical insurance in effect for the length of travel until the return to the homeland, provided that the coverage amount is not less than 30,000 euros (to understand this issue, please refer to this article “Who is here”)
So these are all the documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France for all groups of society. But what are the necessary steps to apply for a French visa?

Steps to obtain a visa for France 2020:
After you, dear reader, have known the documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France, the first step you will have to take is to fill out the France Visa form.

To do this, you will have to log in to the French visa site, through which you can register and start filling out the form

Example of a Schengen visa form France packed

You can also learn from this website all the steps you will need regarding traveling to France.

But if you do not know how to use this site, we strongly advise you to return to a previous article we would have estimated we have published regarding how to fill out the Visa France form through the above-mentioned website.

A detailed explanation and pictures of the method of obtaining Visa France 2019 via the Internet, according to the new system

Where to apply for a France visa?
In principle, the application for obtaining France visa boxes is done at the French consulate in the country of the applicant.

But in recent years, applying for a French visa at visa processing centers has varied from country to country.

For example, in the Kingdom of Morocco, the citizen submits his application for a French visa at the TLS CONTACT

In Saudi Arabia, the application for a French visa is submitted at the VFS GLOBAL visa processing center, and so on in other Arab and North African countries.

How much is the French visa fee?
From February 1, 2020, travelers wishing to obtain a France visa or any other Schengen visa from a non-visa-free country will have to adhere to the new rules for obtaining a Schengen visa.

Among the most important of these rules is the payment of a visa fee of 80 euros for adults instead of 60 euros now and 40 euros instead of 35 for children between the ages of six and twelve and free of charge for those under the age of six.

This fee is not refundable if the request is rejected.

Visa processing centers also charge fees for their services ranging from 25 to 30 euros and vary from country to country. These fees are also non-refundable in the event that the application is not accepted (kicking you with a mule).

So this is all in the file of documents required to obtain a tourist visa to France for the year 2020, we wish good luck to all.